Sunday, February 20, 2011

4G in Cars?!

Audi A8 Gets LTE Broadband Connection audi a8 interior

Recently Audi showed of the newest iteration of its flagship model the A8. Among many other things that has won it the title of “most technologically advanced car of the year” the 2011 A8 had 4G LTE technology built in. Is this just a gimmick or is it really useful? Read on to find out!

Audi mainly showed off the use of internet through video conferencing. If you are a very busy business man (which you probably are if you can afford a car like this) then this is perfect because with LTE’s super high download speeds, the video quality will be crisp and clean. Other than video conferencing I am not sure if I will really sue this very much. Unless the A8 came with a normal Windows computer built in with a keyboard and mouse, I probably would stay away from browsing the internet because cars do not exactly have the cleanest interfaces.  

One feature I love is that the car uses its LTE connection to become a wireless hotspot for any of your devices such as tablets and cell phones. That is something I would pay for! 


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