Sunday, February 27, 2011

Incredible: How to Use the Verizon Mobile Hotspot for Free

Well if you have a Droid incredible from Verizon I’m sure you are aware that there is a 3G Mobile hotspot available. Well first of all you need to know what that does. A 3G mobile hotspot allows you to setup a wireless internet connection for up to 5 devices using the internet from your phone. Of course since its Verizon they want to make you pay for it, so they charge you $1.99 for each Mb or $20 a month on top of a $30 month charge. This to me and many other people is very expensive seeing that we already pay $30 a month already. I have found a very good solution to use it for free. Well the way the Verizon tracks your data is by sending it all to a server specific to your number. Doing the same with the data used by the mobile hotspot so they can know the difference, the solution? Let’s make the servers the same so they think all the data is normal data that is covered by the $30 a month unlimited data. We can start by calling ##778 and you’ll be asked "view mode", or "edit mode" in this instance you should select edit mode. Now don’t panic because you will see a screen asking for a password, but the good thing all the passwords start default at 000000. After you enter scroll down and find the option "M.IP Default Profile" select that. Now you need edit the DUN NAI to be the same email address as NAI. It should look like this:  

This way Verizon will think that all data used from the mobile hotspot is normal data. Enjoy your unlimited mobile hotspot. Disclaimer: I’m not responsible for any over charges if this does not work.


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