Saturday, January 15, 2011

Should You Get The Verizon iPhone?

January 11th will be forever known as the day the iPhone came to Verizon. With the AT & T reputation solidified as the carrier with the most drop calls, it seemed like the only reason people were on AT & T was because they had the iPhone; the holy grail of smartphones. Well now it had finally happened, and after all the dust settles from the massive hype of the release you ask yourself, “Should I really get the Verizon iPhone?”

Yes of course!
Let’s say you’ve been a loyal Verizon customer since the release of the original iPhone in 2007 but you’ve been patiently waiting for something to come and trounce the iPhone. The HTC’s and Droids have been close but they have never really reached that level grandeur the iPhone has. But now that has all changed. It’s finally happened and the little kid inside of you is ecstatic.

So far, it seems that the Verizon iPhone is faster than AT&T’s and will most likely have much less drop calls as well. If you were holding out to get the iPhone that is 4G/LTE capable you might be waiting a while even if you get the hardware, as it might take up to two years to get to a majority of US cities.

Wait it out
As usual Apple will be bound to announce some sort of new iPhone in June and then it'll go on sale later that month, or in early July, as it has every year. That's about six months from now. Inevitably, it will be better than the current iPhone 4 in some way. Mostly likely it won’t be jump like the iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4 but something just significant enough to make it better. Probably it’ll be thinner, with a better screen, a better battery, faster single-core processor, and a non-antennagate antenna.  And everybody will want it, because there's just enough change to make whatever you've currently got in your hand feel obsolete in some way.

Those who will get an iPhone 4 on February 10 (February 3 for a special few) will be locked into a 2-year contract. Their phones, that will sure to be superior than the AT&T ones at making calls, will be only new and shiny for only a couple months. It’s rumored that next version for Verizon iPhones will have LTE aka 4G and will be much faster than the current 3G version.

In addition, it’s almost guaranteed that the next generation of iPhone will come to both AT&T and Verizon at the same time because, why would Apple pass up the chance to potentially have double the profits?

So at the moment, the only reason to immediately get the Verizon iPhone 4G is if Verizon pulled some kind of crazy deal to go along with the phone such as unlimited data as the both phones cost the same on the two networks; something to give people an even larger incentive to come to Verizon. The best case scenario at this point would be if Verizon offered an upgrade to the new iPhone once it game out – something similar to a 1 year contract. However this isn’t very likely as Verizon is hold all the cards right now; the best network and the “best” (we can have the argument another time) phone. So if you’ve held out this long, what waiting just a little bit more?

Bottom Line
It really depends on who you are. If you’re someone who has been waiting for the Verizon iPhone and you’re happy with your current phone or carrier then wait a little more. There will be a new generation coming in the summer. The iPhone 4 will be a year old in June and by the time of the release of the new one will be old news.

However are you planning on making a change and signing a new contract anyways? Then go for it! By the time your contract expires you can have the best then. The same can be said if you rarely upgrade your phone and expect to have them for a while. You won’t be disappointed.
But if you’re a current AT&T customer, than you might have to wait a little bit and see how the situation pans out. It’s  equally possible the Verizon will put out some kind of deal or AT&T will offer loyalty rewards.


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