Sunday, January 16, 2011

Verizon Preparing for the iPhone

Well as we all know big red has announced the iPhone 4 on their network and plan on releasing it February 10th and will be available for pre-order February 3rd. They have had to put in new policies just before the iPhones come in to insure maximum profit. The old early upgrade policy that would allow you to upgrade in 13 months for a 2 year upgrade is now not available and switched to 20 month minimum. One other specific policy put in place, or essentially taken out, was when an account holder waits 2 years they get $50 promotional credit. For those that already signed a contract before January 16th it will still be available. They are doing this so one could not buy an iPhone for only $149.99. Apple probably made them do this so they don't lose money and after all Verizon won't lose money. Verizon has also setup a pre-order system on their website and Verizon customers will have the first crack at getting the iPhone.

We are also waiting to get details on how the pricing on he mobile hotspot will be. Most believe it will be tiered and a 5GB maximum with $10 a GB overage charge. The most important pricing we have to see is whether the iPhone will receive the $30 unlimited data plan. I believe if it does that will add insult to injury to AT&T because they do not provide unlimited data plans. Verizon also has a $15 150 MB that would suit some people if they did not desire unlimited data for $30.


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